Signal Power LED Light Towers
Signal Power designs and manufactures, in the State of Tennessee, specialty LED lighting for industrial and military settings, mobile LED lighting tower systems, including the HYBRIDTOWER, and mobile towers for electronics such as radar, video surveillance, and mass notification systems. Signal Power’s products all incorporate a similar theme of applying cutting edge, energy efficient, technology to typically traditional equipment requirements such as LED lighting and power generation.
Signal Power works with organizations such as FEMA, NASA, TVA, the US Army, the US Air Force, state and local agencies, and equipment companies located around North America. Signal Power holds several patents and can be found on several state purchasing contracts as well as GSA and DLA.
Website: http://www.hybridledlighttower.com
Contact Name: Doug Zukowski
Location: 3500 N Hawthorne St. Chattanooga, TN 37406